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Forecasted Youth Population Growth by Neighborhood Cluster

The DC Office of Planning (OP) provides 30-year forecasts of Washington, DC's total population and by specific age categories disaggregated by neighborhood cluster. These forecasts are as recent as the winter of 2023.

The latest forecasts estimate there will be 6% fewer children ages 0 to 2 in year 2030 compared to 2020, and all but six neighborhood clusters will experience declines during this time period. Brightwood Park/Petworth (Cluster 18) and Columbia Heights/Mount Pleasant (Cluster 2) will have the greatest decreases. The number of neighborhood clusters that either increases or decreases in the number of elementary aged children (ages 3 to 10) between 2020 and 2030 is almost evenly divided. For instance, Ivy City/Trinidad (Cluster 23) is forecasted with the largest growth between these two years and Spring Valley/Palisades (Cluster 13) is forecasted with the greatest decline. The number of middle school aged and high school aged children is expected to increase in almost all neighborhood clusters across the city, with Congress Heights (Cluster 30) having the greatest estimated increases between 2020 and 2030.

Number of Children Forecasted Between 2020 and 2035 by Neighborhood Cluster

Source: US Census Bureau and DC Office of Planning Forecasts

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