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School Enrollment by Special Populations - Special Education

Public schools in Crestwood and Petworth (Cluster 18), Congress Heights (Cluster 39) and Brightwood (Cluster 17) enroll the most special education students.

In addition to neighborhood cluster, users are now able to view special education enrollment by ward, DCPS high school boundary and Office of Planning comprehensive plan planning area.

Public School Special Education Enrollment by Neighborhood Cluster, SY2013-14 to SY2023-24

Since SY13-14, 49% more students have been identified as having special education needs, outpacing the percent change in total enrollment of students under the age of 22 over the same period (19%).

Change in Public School Special Education Enrollment, SY2013-14 to SY2023-24

Note: Only students between the ages of 3 and 21 can qualify for special education status per federal requirements. 

Source: OSSE Audited Enrollment, SY2013-14 to SY2023-24

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