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School Enrollment by Special Populations - At Risk

Schools with large numbers of students identified as "at risk of academic failure" (the definition used for funding purposes) are concentrated in the following neighborhood clusters: Congress Heights (Cluster 39), Brightwood Park and Crestwood (Cluster 18) and Edgewood, Bloomingdale, Truxton Circle, Eckington (Cluster 21). As a percent of total enrollment within each neighborhood cluster, neighborhoods east of the Anacostia River have the highest proportions of enrolled at risk students.

In addition to neighborhood cluster, users are now able to view at risk enrollment by Ward, DCPS high school boundary and Office of Planning comprehensive plan planning area.

Public School At-Risk Enrollment by Neighborhood Cluster, SY2014-15 to SY2023-24


Since SY2022-23 schools have been eligible for two additional funding weights in the Uniform per Student Funding Formula (UPSFF) where 40% and 70% or more of the student population is designated as at risk of academic failure. In SY2023-24, 162 schools (out of 234 schools with eligible students) had 40% or more of their students designated as at risk, while 74 schools had 70% or more of their students designated as at risk. See below for those specific schools and where they are located, as well as the share of at risk enrollment per school.

At-Risk Enrollment by School, SY2014-15 to SY2023-24

Note: School-level dashboard includes only the eligible UPSFF student population. See downloadable dataset for additional details.

Since SY2014-15 (the first year for at-risk designation), the number of at-risk students has fluctuated year to year. As of SY2023-24, the number of at risk students was 44,883 students, an increase of 15% since SY14-15 compared to an increase of 13% in PK3 through 12th grade enrollment. The number of at risk students in SY23-24 decreased 3% compared to SY2022-23.

Change in At-Risk Enrollment Citywide, SY2014-15 to SY2023-24

Note: The total enrollment excludes adult and alternative school students as they do not qualify for the at risk status.

Source: OSSE Audited Enrollment, SY2014-15 to SY2023-24

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