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Grade and Ward Enrollment Trends

Enrollment in Ward 5 public schools has increased substantially every year since SY2013-14, driven mostly by increases in enrollment in public charter schools. Enrollment in Ward 4 schools has also experienced a steady upward trend as well. Enrollment in Ward 8 public schools has been relatively steady between SY2021-22 and SY2023-24 after experiencing substantial declines the three years prior to SY2021-22. After experiencing declines in PK3 enrollment, beginning before the COVID-19 pandemic, Wards 6, 7, and 8 have had three consecutive years of increases. Trends for individual grades (or a selection of grades) by ward can also be viewed.

Enrollment Trends by Ward, SY13-14 to SY23-24

By grade band, enrollment in elementary grades (PK-5) increased between SY2013-14 and SY2019-20, but at a declining rate. Enrollment in this grade band decreased for the first time in SY2020-21, the first full school year during the COVID-19 pandemic, and then again in SY2021-22 but has since had two consecutive years of increases. Enrollment in middle school grades (6-8) saw consistent increases in enrollment during those same years, only decreasing for the first time in SY2021-22. Enrollment in high school grades (9-12) has increased for the last four school years. Users can also view the dashboard by individual grade. View the Full Screen Dashboard by Individual Grade here.

Enrollment Trends by Grade Band, SY13-14 to SY23-24

Source: OSSE Audited Enrollment, SY13-14 to SY23-24 

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