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School Enrollment by Special Populations - English Learners

Schools with large numbers of English learner students are concentrated in the following neighborhood clusters: Brightwood Park, Crestwood, Petworth (Cluster 18); Columbia Heights and Mt Pleasant (Cluster 2); and Takoma and Brightwood (Cluster 17). As a proportion of total public school enrollment, schools located in Kalorama Heights and Adams Morgan (Cluster 1) have the largest share of English learner students. Other neighborhood clusters with similar proportions of English learner enrollment include Columbia Heights and Mt Pleasant (Cluster 2) and Brightwood Park, Crestwood, Petworth (Cluster 18).

In addition to neighborhood cluster, users are now able to view English learner enrollment by ward, DCPS high school boundary and Office of Planning comprehensive plan planning area.

Public School English Learner Enrollment by Neighborhood Cluster, SY2013-14 to SY2023-24


Since SY2013-14, approximately 5,100 additional students have been identified as English learners, a 70% increase compared to the 19% growth in total enrollment of students under the age of 22. The noticeable increase in SY2017-18 was due to a national revision to the assessment test. In SY2021-22, the second full school year affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, English learner enrollment increased by over 700 students compared to the previous school year. After remaining steady in SY2022-23, English learner enrollment increased in SY2023-24 by more than 800 students over the previous year.

Change in Public School English Learner Enrollment, SY2013-14 to SY2023-24

Source: OSSE Audited Enrollment, SY2013-14 to SY2023-24


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