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Distance to School by Grade Band and Sector

Students attending their in-boundary DCPS school have the shortest walk distance between their home and school compared to other enrollment categories, regardless of grade level. Students in grades K to 5 travel similar median distances to DCPS out of boundary schools as to public charter schools (1.9 and 1.7 miles, respectively), while in the middle and high grades, students attending DCPS out of boundary schools had a longer median walk distance than public charter students.

Walk distances can also be displayed in the graphic below by the race/ethnicity of students. For instance, Black PK and K through 5 students travel further to out of boundary DCPS schools and public charter schools than Hispanic/Latino students and white students. Hispanic/Latino high school students travel the shortest distances compared to Black and white high school students when going to a public charter school. Hispanic/Latino high school students travel a median distance of 1.8 miles to public charter school while Black high students travel 3.0 miles and white students who travel a median of 3.2 miles. 

Citywide Walk Distance from Home to School by Sector and Grade Band, SY23-24

Source: OSSE Audited Enrollment, SY23-24

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