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Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education

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Number of Public School Facilities

This chapter focuses on the number of facilities or buildings that DCPS and public charter schools operate. Some facilities house more than one school and some schools are dispersed across multiple facilities. Colocated facilities are those that house two different local education agencies or LEAs (either two different public charter LEAs or DCPS and a public charter LEA). In SY2023-24, there were 227 facilities housing at least one public school in Washington, DC, an increase from the 196 facilities in SY2013-14.

Number of Public School Facilities, SY2013-14 to SY2023-24

By ward, public school facilities are concentrated in Wards 5, 8, 7, and 4. By DCPS high school boundaries, the Eastern HS boundary has the greatest number of facilities in SY2023-24 (36 public school facilities) followed by the Dunbar HS boundary (34 public school facilities) and Cardozo HS boundary (30 public school facilities). Congress Heights (Cluster 39) and Crestwood and Petworth (Cluster 18) are home to the most public school facilities with 17 each.

Number of Public School Facilities by Geographies, SY2013-14 to SY2023-24

Sources: OSSE audited enrollment, SY13-14 to SY22-23; Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education
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